Self-Love Or Empowerment?

Angel Numbers ARE Real; Read This Article to Discover the Brilliant Strategy Behind Them.

You were guided here. 

Your angelic team, whom we lovingly call your unseen allies and angels, issued this invitation, and it took courage to choose to follow the invitation. Doubt is all around you, but when you silence doubt, listen to intuition, and act, you awaken to a greater truth. 

And the messages you will find here contain only truth. 

If you have been seeing angel numbers in patterns of three (i.e. 111, 222, 333, etc) on clocks, license plates, or in random locations that seem to grab your attention, this is an angelic invitation. 

Angel numbers are intended to trigger curiosity. Once you reach curiosity, you have the free-will-choice to either dismiss these invitations as happenstance (lazy) or do some research (gaining wisdom).

We commend your due diligence. Many people are content with superficial appearances, but you are not one of those people. You are awakening.

There are several stages to spiritual awakening. They are listed below:


Ignorance of ignorance. People are completely unaware are in this stage. Those who keep their heads in the sand, are prideful, buy into media agendas, celebrity worship, or ‘selfie-culture’ are sleeping.

Some might call these personalities sheeple or sheep-like people. They just follow. They do not seek, discover, or practice mastery. In this state, angel numbers are given but ignored.

The good news is that no one can remain asleep forever, as earth is changing. You’ve seen and felt the changes, have you not? We are moving from 3D consciousness (bullies, manipulation, and delays) into 5D consciousness (freedom, love, and light).


Waking is when you begin to notice that angel numbers are more than just numbers. There is something behind it all. But what? 

This awakening is usually triggered by a big experience or many smaller experiences. There is some kind of breakthrough realization. At this point, your Unseen Ally (i.e. true self, higher guidance, still small voice, inner-knowing, soul) begins to nudge you to follow a different path.

This is a time of seeking and asking questions, reading books you

haven’t read, and looking in places you haven’t looked. This is where the search really begins, and it can be scary and exciting all at once. Angel numbers will support you through this process. 

Transcending Pride

There are two kinds of pride: sleeping pride and kind-of-awake pride. Pride enjoys thinking that it is right all the time, so it seldom listens. If it does listen, it only listens for what it wants to hear. Pride loves to either bully other people or play victim. Pride is a clever trap.

If you’re facing pride, this article may trigger you a bit, and that trigger is an indication that your true self loves you and wants you to consider this message. Maybe you have less to prove than you think? Maybe you’re good enough? Maybe you’re worthy?

During this time, angel numbers are plentiful, but pride tends to ignore them or manipulate their true meanings. Pride often feels like it is in a rush; fighting, maneuvering, or forcing things to be. Pride is locked in a sense of time being limited. Your true self is eternal.

The Return To Your TRUE SELF

Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is a willingness to see the big

picture and embrace your connection with source. While many don’t like to talk about this topic, this is the place in the spiritual awakening where most people get caught (sometimes for a long, long time). 

Shadow work is all about honoring the wounded inner child and healing.

A simple way to think about your shadow is to remember when you were a kid, and you were scared of the monster under the bed. There is a gripping terror that wants you to hide under the blanket (and make sure your foot is pulled under the sheets). 

But should you jump out of bed, turn the lights on, and look under your bed. You might find some cobwebs, old toys, and old pizza covered in mildew. Sure, its unpleasant, but if you face it and clean it, it is done.

Shadow work is a necessary part of spiritual awakening; it seems scary as long as you’re putting it off and waiting for tomorrow. But when you honor your shadow, and choose to love your whole self, life improves.

During the humbling phase the journey you are required to accept LOVE.

Sounds easy, right? But sometimes, it can be rather interesting

The monster under the bed is terrified of love, because love is light, and once you flip the switch illuminating your whole room, the monster’s jig is up. And your room suddenly becomes a safe place.

Love, as we describe it, is divine love—not humanity’s confused version of love that often falls into covert or overt narcissistic traps—real, true love is from source. It surrounds you and is within you. 

Endless and eternal.

Love connects us all. 

You are never separated from Source. Source will never abandon you.

Angel numbers will be used to help guide and soothe you during this time, but it will require some mastery to listen. When healing shadow, doubt can be very loud or even sneaky.

Sometimes, it takes some humility to turn on the light 🙂

Messenger of Source

This is the reason you were guided to this message. There is a message within your soul. Though, it is not a message to just speak or write down. It is the message you are here to BE and LIVE.

Source is within you, and you are within source. 

Source is the CEO 😉 of angelic invitation (and all of existence).

You were guided to the angelic invitation for truth.

NOT all spiritual messages contain TRUTH, so be discerning. Discernment is keen insight and good judgement. The articles on Angelic Invitation are all carefully written in a way that will help sharpen your discernment.

The angelic invitation is this: You deserve TRUTH, for truth sets you free. That’s why, we have arranged these angel numbers in your life through careful strategies of divine timing to offer you three things:

A Pause – Sometimes it would be wise to not react and reevaluate. Take 3 Deep breaths. Stand up and stretch. Put your phone down.

An Encouragement –Sometimes you CAN do this, and only you can accept that. Put your hand on your heart. Say or sing “I can do this” a few times. Flex your muscles. 

A Confirmation – Sometimes you are on path, so be humble and stay on target. You can’t always see the seed that is growing beneath the soil. Sometimes the sunset is right on time. Sometimes a wrong turn leads you some place better.

The true meanings behind the angel numbers are found below.

Remember, you are LOVED, but only you can be brave and courageous enough to accept this truth. Many beings on earth have forgotten (and unsuccessfully try to fight) this truth.

You are always LOVED, and this love is eternal.

Learn more about each number:

  • 111 Angel Number 111 Meaning
  • 222 Angel Number 222 Meaning
  • 333 Angel Number 333 Meaning
  • 444 Angel Number 444 Meaning
  • 555 Angel Number 555 Meaning
  • 666 Angel Number 666 Meaning
  • 777 Angel Number 777 Meaning
  • 888 Angel Number 888 Meaning
  • 999 Angel Number 999 Meaning

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has directly worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan helps his clients remember their inner-truth (and hidden soul skills) via the Unseen Ally, a uniquely powerful guidance tool.

Ryan likes veggie tacos, snowboarding, hammocking by a river with a good book, playing video games, helping old souls remember their true SELF (especially if they are incarnated angels), and chocolate (in all forms – but especially rice crispy bars). And laughter! He likes laughter too, and joy…the return to innocence is always enjoyed :)

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

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Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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