Self-Love Or Empowerment?

555 Angel Number Meaning: Change is Coming. But Don’t Worry, We Will Help You Make This A GOOD Change.

The 555 angel number meaning is “this is a time to be aware of how supported you are.” If you work with this support you can adapt gracefully. “No need to react or worry.”

555 angel number 555 meaning: Change is happening fast!

Instead, use the strategies below to help you adapt and benefit from these divine changes.

Knowing these strategies for navigating change can help sooth the transition (without panic).

5:55 is a significant number, unlike other angel messages. 

Your guardian angels are using numbers to help you navigate your spiritual awakening (which can unfold over years). You’re a divine being, and you’re remembering how to accept this truth. This is why you’re found the Angelic Invitation when looking up the 555 meaning. Your TRUE SELF guided you to these strategies.

Table of Contents:

Each time you read this, you will notice something new. This indicates you are growing and your awareness is increasing. There are many hidden gems in this article. Can you find them all? *These strategies are protected by copyright.

The following video is a deep dive into the 555 Angel Number.

Remember, your Unseen Ally is a master at making all changes positive and rewarding.

Angel Number 555 Spiritual Meaning

Angel number 555 meaning: “this is a signal flare intended to wake you up, because changes are on their way.” While all numbers are important, seeing 555 indicates that you have a huge opportunity for transformation. Your guardian angels are helping you navigate changes.

Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, who noticed certain divine attributes hidden within numbers. The 555 angel number is connected to “progress” and “freedom.”

World renowned psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) came up with the concept of Synchronizität or Synchronicity, “a meaningful coincidence.” Seeing 555 is an example of synchronicity getting your attention. You’re asked to pay attention. Finding this article is another example of synchronicity.

You were guided here.

Your guardian angels (namely Archangel Michael) are inviting you to get ready for this change, and the below strategies are your magical tools. Angel number 555 invites you to consider the bigger picture.

These strategies may seem obvious, but they aren’t. The bigger picture is BIG (i.e. eternal abundance, perfectly timed angel messages. For instance, this number arrived right on time. The spiritual significance of angel numbers that that they are strategically placed to help you navigate changes.

Change is unpredictable.

Angel numbers are sent to help you adapt.

The following strategies will help you keep your eye on the big picture as you embrace new life and true love. The hard work is accepting that your spirit guides truly love you and will guide you through each step of your spiritual awakening (no need to rush). Angel number 555 meaning: don’t rush.

Angel number 555 meaning: “you are a Divine Being who is capable of personal freedom.”

You are a part of Oneness and you are a sovereign being. Positive changes are coming, but it is up to you to recognize them and accept them. You’re on the right path, and the following strategies will help you get the most out of these changes.

Even if you have read this article many times, each time you read it you will get something different from it because you are an evolving spiritual being. Honoring the spiritual significance of your journey is a vital part of embodying who you truly are.

555 Meaning: Accept this…

555 Angel Number - Surrender

Seeing angel number 555 is a reminder that you embody a purpose.

Purpose isn’t just what you’re here to do. Your purpose is something you’re here, on earth, to embody. Your ego is who you have been conditioned to be (or think you should be). 555 is a call to refuse is lower dimensional conditioning in favor of a spiritual life.

Ego doesn’t always accept purpose. Ego likes the comfort zone.

Ego will even fight against positive changes. Ego wants to control everything.

That’s why ego gets so trapped in ruts and routines.

That’s why an angel number was used to shake up your pattern and tug on your curiosity.

This disrupts the ego’s routine, which allows your True Self an opening. Angel number 555 is a representative for adventure and free spirits. A healthy spiritual life is filled with positive changes. And your guardian angels are supporting you as you command greater personal freedom.

You are asked to allow some changes to take place. Change is necessary during a spiritual awakening especially if your twin flame is involved. Many twin flames are reconnecting. And this

Something old (i.e. a part of your comfort zone) is ready to fall away, but ego might try to cling to it. Angel number 5 amplifies freedom. 555 refuses to be held down.

Sometimes there’s something you really want to hold onto, some situation you want to control, a belief you want to keep, or some hurt you can’t seem to forgive. Holding onto these things helps the ego feel like it is in control, but it is a prison. Your guardian angels are helping you accept freedom. It can be hard work, but it will be very rewarding. Twin flame relationships involve a lot of release.

Change creates openings.

Another angel number 555 meaning is that: “an unstoppable wave of newness and expansiveness are on their way.” Your spiritual awakening is an adventure intended to help you accept you are a divine being. Notice your progress as you kick off the old. Each day holds great potential.

This change requires you to surrender some old, useless routines, ruts, and fixations, because it is bringing you new adventures, experiences, and opportunities needed for your purpose.

Your guardian angels are surrounding you with positive energy to help trust in your ability to adapt.

If you fight the changes, you’ll only suffer needlessly. Have an open mind.

Can you relinquish some control and allow some variety into your life? Can you change it up a bit?

Choosing to allow change to happen is a HUGE step toward freedom.

“Let go and let God” doesn’t mean you take your hands off the steering wheel. You’re still in the driver’s seat but now you can choose to drive around the old stuff and find a new path. Consider the journey of the messenger Jesus Christ who took on a vast and daunting roll…and succeeded.

If you would like support accepting (or discovering) your purpose, 555 is the sigil number of Archangel Michael. He is a masterful guide, invincible protector, and infinitely abundant. He freely offers you unconditional love and is sworn to protect your highest purpose. Walk with the wise and you will grow wise, and Micheal’s wisdom is very great and shared freely. There is a reason that angel numbers sustain a positive message.

Positive changes abound. See through the chaos and recognize you’re a spiritual being who’s on the right path to personal freedom. Major changes can seem daunting, but Divine Energy is supporting you. Change is a key ingredient in a spiritual journey.

Main Spiritual Meaning: “You’re more worthy than you recognize…and you’re embodying this.”

This helps your awareness to expand.

555 Angel Number Meaning: Expansive Your Awareness

555 Angel Number - Awareness

It is easy to get lost in the details of “what,” “when,” and “how.”

But too much hyper focus can blind you to the “why.”

For instance, an angel number shows up several times in several ways, you ask “why,” and then you discover this message and the strategies within. 555 was a catalyst.

The reason you noticed the number 555 and felt like you should learn more about it is because your guardian angels are inviting you to step into your higher awareness. Angel number 5 means growth and change. This is a key ingredient behind twin flames and your twin flame connection.

The core 555 angel number meaning is ease off the details for a moment and see the bigger picture. A new life is inviting you to embrace it. Don’t worry, good things are coming.

Get out of the “anxious” attitude and stretch your wings a bit.

Free up your energy.

Remember, angel numbers are always tied to your intentions, prayers, or soul’s needs. Seeing 555 is an awareness activator asking you to make a change.

Changes happen around you, but the biggest change happens within you.

It is very important that you be extremely aware and notice what you have been experiencing. What ruts and routines aren’t working? 

What have you been focusing on that’s eating up your joy, energy, and freedom?

A change is needed, and change requires an open mind. You can’t recognize this change if you’re stuck in hyper-vigilance, anxiousness, or panic

When you are fixated on something that is upsetting, it produces a constant state of chaotic emotion (i.e. anger, anxiety, sadness), and this causes you to live in a reactive state. This makes change impossible. It is an invisible prison of fused thought patterns and emotional loops. Take a step back for a moment. Can you see this pattern in your life?

Seeing the big picture will allow change; get above the stuff.

Entering awareness is like rising above the problem ruts, retreating to your sanctuary high up on a mountain, plopping into your favorite chair, and kicking off your shoes. 

Take a deep breath, enjoy the view, and decide what you’d like to do differently. Don’t listen or focus on the problem ruts trying to force, trick, or lure you out of this wonderful sanctuary. Change your focus from problem ruts to your sanctuary’s vantage point.

We will explain this method in greater detail elsewhere.

Remember, change requires you to make a choice. An important 555 angel number spiritual meaning is that you can only make the right choice if you are in expanded awareness. If you’d like a tool to help you enter this blissful state of readiness, you can click here for more details.  

Main spiritual meaning: See through the weirdness are recognize the perfection unfolding (slowly).


You are a Spiritual Being and No Ego is Allowed to Control Your Spiritual Journey.

555 Angel Number - No One Controls You

Another reason you have been seeing 555 angel number is because your guardian angels are inviting you to take a deep breath (as in a full belly), pause for a moment and massage your neck (gently), and then let your eyes relax (as if you were looking at clouds in the sky). These three steps quickly clear your energy field.

If you skipped the above steps, it is probably because someone’s energy is clinging to you. Your guardian angels invite you to take moment to practice the suggestion above, and then answer the following questions.

Do you want to improve your love life? Or connect with your twin flame?

It starts with your connection to Source, do you accept you are loved?

Your love life ranges from romantic to great friendships, but it can slip into toxic relationships.

Have you heard the old saying that love is blind? 

Have you ever loved someone who didn’t fully respect your love?

Have you ever looked back and asked, how did I let that happen?

Discernment is all about facing the truth. Angel numbers are cues to be discerning.

Seeing 555 is an angelic invitation to ask yourself the following question: What is the best, new choice for me right now? What happened when the 555 angel number popped up?

If you have been seeing 555, there is a loop or rut you’re encouraged to release. Did angel number 555 show up on a clock? That could mean change how you use your time. Are you seeing angel numbers while you drive? It could mean you need an adventure or road trip. Angel numbers show up strategically. Note when and where they arrive. And consider what loops are present when they do.

You do not need to repeat loops of thoughts, emotions, or relationships. You are a sovereign being, free, expansive, and greatly loved. You are worthy of great joy, abundance, and adventure, you deserve genuine and balanced love, and you are learning to accept this. Seeing angel numbers are encouragements that you are making progress.

Love teaches a lot of lessons, and some lessons are painful. The purpose of the pain is so you won’t want to repeat these lessons. Pain is an invitation to really pause and notice what’s going on. Alas, sometimes you think you are required to live with the pain, and so, the painful lessons repeat. Why do you repeat painful lessons?

A fear of change keeps you stuck in loops.

Sometimes toxic and painful patterns are familiar. The ego is addicted to familiar patterns. Your ego is your student; it is neither good nor bad. When your ego controls you, countless thoughts and emotions keep you trapped in painful loops. The ego would rather live in a familiar cage of pain than change. Change, even good change, scares the ego.

This is why you have repeated old loops. The ego is addicted to the familiar, even if it’s painful.

This is why the ego rationalizes the loops.

It takes an open mind to change. The ego can’t change, but your True Self is bigger than the ego.

Your guardian angels are inviting you to STOP, look at the loops you have been stuck in, and make a choice to quit ignoring the pain and choose to break free. Twin flames and twin flame relationships nearly always invoke a need to break free. The arrival of angel numbers are not accidental, they are cues to pause, note the loop (thoughts and feelings), and choose change.

Change isn’t a familiar pattern. Change is a NEW adventure!

Angel number 555 meaning: you have a chance to create some wonderful improvements in your life. This is the right time. And the first thing you should do now is smile and say, “I can do this! Even if I’m not sure what I need to do, I’m willing to learn, because I can do this!” (then smile)

Never underestimate the skill of your spirit guides to help you find and free yourself from unhealthy patterns. Your spirit guides are always there helping you, so get ready by simply affirming…

“I can, I can, I can, I AM able to change!”

Freedom awaits!

You are more than the ego’s stuck and rigid patterns. Just because something seems like it should be a certain way doesn’t mean you have to react to it. Be proactive instead of reactive.

Angel number 555 also means “if I react, I repeat.”

Discernment recognizes a lesson and proactively chooses change.

What is a new decision, perspective, or lesson that will help you be freer?

Another important 555 angel number meaning is If you stay focused on the change and refuse to give the old your focus, you free yourself from that which used to control you.

Be discerning. 

Main Spiritual Meaning: Discernment = Freedom.

555 Angel Number is a Reminder of This Skill…

555 Angel Number - Adapt

Another 555 angel number message is that your guardian angels invite you to respect your nervous system’s programming. Seeing angel numbers are reminders to be willing to adapt. It might seem silly, but your nervous system is conditioned to reject any kinds of changes, including good changes. 

If you have had trauma in your life, your nervous system and cells may be trapped in a survival state (fight it, run from it, or freeze in place). This is PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and there are varying levels of PTSD. 

If trapped in this survival state, you may feel an uncontrollable anxious urge to attack, escape, or delay changes of any form. Angel number 555 was used as a cue to break this state and remind you that there is hope, right now. Of all the spiritual numbers, 555 is a call to transcend just surviving.

Anxiety is a fear state that keeps you in a narrow focus. This is a state where you are completely fixated on your problems and need to survive. Flush out that anxiousness.

Anxiousness in your body can block opportunities by blinding you to possibilities.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel anxious you don’t always make the best choices?

An important 555 angel number meaning is that: “this anxiousness isn’t your fault.” Much of it was programmed into your nervous system by family, society, and traumatic lessons. This anxiety is largely a subconscious fear of change. Fear believes something bad is about to happen. Fear thinks change is dangerous. These programmed instincts do everything they can to stop changes.

To change your reality for the better, your nervous system needs your help accepting change. And remember you have a guardian angel with you at all times. You can move through it. Practicing the following two steps can make a world of difference:

First step:

Right now (and each time you see angel number 555) take 10 deep breaths. If you feel dizzy, that’s a warning that you haven’t been getting enough oxygen. Without enough oxygen, your body lives in a survival state. In this state, change will feel terrifying and you won’t be able to make the right choices. 

If you see angel numbers, remember to breathe, deep and slow, especially if you feel like you don’t have time. And if you literally don’t have time, if you can take deep and slow breaths, you’ll notice that you deal with the stress much more effectively. 

Breathing slows down your perception of time. If you take time to breathe, you have more time because you’re no longer in a constricted focus. Breathing frees your focus.

Fearful anxiety always holds its breath, but freedom takes deep breaths. The Divine Spiritual Realm is vast and expansive, like a deep breath.

Second step:

Within your muscles, there are tiny sensors called “muscle spindles.” When you stretch your muscles and hold the stretch for about 2-5 minutes, your muscle spindles tell your nervous system that your muscles need to release their tension.

This causes stuck nervous energy in your body to be released.

Each time you see an angel number 555, take a moment to stretch. It is always a good idea to warm up your muscles by moving around or doing some bodyweight exercises before you stretch.

Gently hold the stretches and allow the stuck emotions to be flushed out. 

Change moves freely, so limber up . . . literally, and help your nervous system feel freedom!

Main spiritual meaning: changing your physical helps to change your mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Your a being of Divine Energy and a champion of unconditional love.

Angel Number 555 is an Invitation to Consider a Beautiful Truth

555 Angel Number - Freedom

This might sound cliché, but the truth is your greatest friend right now.

Your guardian angels are inviting you to lovingly face the music

Angel number 555 indicates change is needed.

The only reason we resist change is because, like truth, change can be bittersweet. 

The bitterness is the initial fear of change. It can be scary to stand on the edge of a nest with your wings spread out, but if you take the leap, you discover a wondrous open sky.

Leaving the nest can bitter but the open sky is so sweet.

The spiritual meaning of angel number 5 is that: “bitterness helps you appreciate the sweet.”

Angel numbers show up to remind you to honor and let go of the bitter so you can fully enjoy the sweet! Whatever bitterness you want to avoid is only a distraction trying to undermine your ability to embrace this newness and freedom.

It takes a lot of psychic energy to sustain an illusion. Why waste your energy?

Fighting change can be exhausting, painful, and destructive to your life. Angel number 555 is a loving invitation to humbly face the truth: a change is needed. The spiritual realm is helping you and the angel numbers are used as subtle cues.

If you bring all of your focus to what it will be like after the change, like flying freely through the sky, you will be able to free up the psychic blockages and stop rationalizing why you should linger in the familiar nest. 

Truth is freedom; so always choose freedom.

Angel number 555 is a call to “Free your energy!” Choose to honor the truth, and smile at any bitterness it flushes out, because the sweet freedom is on its way! 

Main spiritual meaning: “fighting the fight keeps you stuck, but freedom redirects Divine Energy.”

555 Angel Number Meaning is Own Your Independence

555 Angel Number - Independence

There is a time to do what’s expected of you, and there is a time to break out on your own a bit and really enjoy your own uniqueness. Angel number 5 is the seed of individuality.

Think of angel numbers as cues to pause and take yourself out of any ruts, especially those given to you by others, and change up your life a bit.  Angel number 555 means: “you need some time for yourself.” While you’re away from people and ruts, feel the freedom of your own energy.

Turn your phone off for a little while. Go for a walk. Listen to some music you like. Pull back from worrying about or supporting other people. Be a little more Higher-Selfish. Remember and feel into YOUR connection with Source. Even the great Jesus Christ took time for himself to restore his energy.

Angel number 555 also warns that sometimes you have an energy-taker or several energy-takers in your life. These personalities can hinder your freedom through bullying or victim tactics. It can be easy to lose yourself in their controlling auras and efforts.

Auras and efforts like a bully who tries to force you to do what they want, a dramatic person who undermines your happiness, or a lazy person who delays your forward progress.

Angel numbers are reminders that you can’t change yourself if you’re trapped in their stuff.

You have your own inner-work to do. As does your twin flame.

Sometimes you have old thoughts and emotions that keep repeating over and over. They eat up so much energy, time, and focus and never seem to leave you alone. It can be easy to lose yourself in old stories and echoing traumas. Time to say, “enough is enough.”

Getting away from energy-takers or stagnant patterns will help you survey your landscape and get clearer on what YOU actually want and need. The angel numbers broke up a rut so you could ask…

What do you need to do for yourself to mix it up?

What would energize you?

Angel number 555 means finding newness today! Don’t wait until tomorrow.

Are you looking for a new restaurant, hobby, book, or outfit? Go for it! As you make a choice to move your energy into newness, fun, and freedom, you authorize your angels to help line up synchronicities, angel numbers, surprises, and events.

This angel number nudges you to be mindful of putting too many irons in the fire. Instead, focus your energy on 1-3 new things in your life. Then, cultivate the newness. If it’s not for you, honor that, and change it up! Give 1-3 new activities a chance. Keep what works and change up the other stuff.

Reclaim your ability to feel the freedom of your own curiosity and explore newness!

Every time you see angel number 555, it as a prompt to change one thing now.

Main spiritual meaning: only you can be you (so love and be a good friend to yourself).

How To Free Yourself From “The Stuff”

555 Angel Number - Freedom

The mantra of this angel number is “forgive and forget” which could also read as forgive and be free

Angel number 555 is a reminder that whatever the situation, you don’t own anyone your focus. 

Did someone do something that made you angry? Forgive their soul because their ego is bullying them. Why waste your strength on this? Take back your transformational energy and do something new. Acknowledge the wound and be willing to move on.

Maybe someone hurt you. Forgive their soul because their ego is undermining them. Why waste your restorative energy on this? Take back your nurturing energy and cultivate a new aspect of your uniqueness.   

By all means, retain the lessons you learned.

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting.

Forgiveness is a change in perception that says, “ENOUGH. I’m not giving this my lifeforce anymore. I want to be free!” Can you change your focus a bit? Perhaps the old wound doesn’t deserve your attention. Angel number 555 is meant to get you to ask if maybe you really do deserve to be free?

You are not a slave to people, thoughts, emotions, or the past. But relationships, beliefs, repressed feelings, and old patterns can be very sticky. Every time you see an angel number say, “I AM Freedom, Freedom I AM.”

Or “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours” is a power phrase you can say or even sing. As the teacher Jesus Christ stated, “do not cast your pearls before swine.” Do not linger in the toxicity of others. By affirming and practicing being free, you will begin to notice that there are more and more expansive levels of freedom. Freedom is a process of expansion.

You don’t have to rush this process, but you do have to act, right now. The past is over, it can harm you no more. Remember angel number 5 means transition. The angel number 555 meaning is that transition is happening, now.

Something unexpected and exciting awaits you once you forgive and free yourself from the past

“The past is over. Stop reliving it.” This angel number means move forward.

Change where your focus goes. Freedom, freedom, freedom!

Are You Ready to Meet Your Personal Change Agent!?

555 Angel Number - Change Agent

Your guardian angels all answer to your Unseen Ally (your Chief Guardian Angel).

Your Unseen Ally acts as your celestrial change agent. Your Unseen Ally supports you through the process of change, soothing the difficulties and showing you the possibilities.

Guardian angel, Christ or Buddha Self, Higher Self, and True Self are all aliases of your Unseen Ally. Your Unseen Ally is the guardian angel who is with you at all times. This is your prison-breaker, positive change-evoker, and advocate for the uniqueness of your soul. Angel Number 5 invites you to embrace your uniqueness and the voice of your soul.

This is the voice of freedom that has helped you escape painful ruts.

This is the feeling of possibility and adventure that has invited you to leave the constriction.

This is the change agent who planted angel numbers around you so you would become curious, explore, and find this message. Be curious about how often you see the number 5.

Your chief guardian angel wants you to be free, knows you can do this, and is equipping you to act.

This Unseen Ally is like an adventurer who knows how to free you from the past, shows you all the new possibilities to explore, and continuously reminds you to embrace your individuality.

This is not too good to be true. This is pure love.

You found this message so your Unseen Ally (chief guardian angel) could equip you.

So, Changes Abound But What’s Next?

555 Angel Number - What's Next

First, acknowledge that you were guided to this message and this is first step in a beautiful, benificial change your angels are bringing into your life. Angel number 555 signifies you are supported.

But now what?

As you surrender some ego-control, you will discover a wonderful freedom. As you learn to enjoy this freedom, those who have tried to control you will loose their grip on you. 

These changes in freedom will make it possible for you to adapt. Life becomes an adventurous dance where each step guides you closer to true freedom. Who knows, your twin flame might be working hard to help you reach your next level.

In this freedom, you discover more and more who you really are. Your unique independence arrises and this strong independent sense of who you are casts off all webs (past or present). 

Ultimately, you’re ready for positive change. It might seem scary or hard, but if you have the right tools, you’ll be able to leave the old, painful stuff behind and jump into the newness awaiting you.

Your Unseen Ally would like to guide you through these changes and support you every step of the way as you explore the adventure of true freedom!

You’re ready, and here’s what’s next.

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has directly worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan helps his clients remember their inner-truth (and hidden soul skills) via the Unseen Ally, a uniquely powerful guidance tool.

Ryan likes veggie tacos, snowboarding, hammocking by a river with a good book, playing video games, helping old souls remember their true SELF (especially if they are incarnated angels), and chocolate (in all forms – but especially rice crispy bars). And laughter! He likes laughter too, and joy…the return to innocence is always enjoyed :)

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

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Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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