Self-Love Or Empowerment?

528 Hz Frequency (Relaxing Sleep Music and) Transformation, Miracles, Healing, DNA Repair, and So Much More…

528 Hz Frequency

Overview of 528 Hz and why it is Relaxing Sleep Music:

If you have researched 528 Hz, you’ve found that it helps facilitate the following:

  • Transformation (n): The act of transforming. To significantly change.
  • Miracles (n): an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God. (v) A sudden change in perspective.
  • Healing (v): to make sound and whole. To make well again. To restore health fully. Overcoming an undesirable condition. 
  • DNA Repair (v): to restore by replacing a part or putting together parts of DNA that were torn or broken
  • Relaxing Sleep Music (n): proven to extend life and improve quality of life (especially if you listen to 528PURE™

In essence, 528 Hz is the resonance field that can help you heal your physical body and your DNA by integrating higher energies of love into your cells. It is responsible for cleansing you at all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This frequency can show you the love you are made of and deserve in your life.

528PURE™ YouTube Playlist:

In this article, we will look at:

Let’s start with some scientific research supporting the healing capabilities 528Hz.

Scientific Studies around 528 Hz…

In this section, we will look at three meaningful studies.

1. In his writing, Book of 528, Dr. Leonard Horowitz stated that, “528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature. It is love.” He further described research showing how the frequency of 528 Hz was found to offer neuro-physiological benefits including a variety of restorative qualities. 

2. The research of Akimoto & Kobayashi showed listening to 528 Hz music reduces stress to the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system. Their results were significant enough to surprise many scientific skeptics. We discuss this research more deeply in the article about Solfeggio Frequencies. 

3. John Hutchison, a respected quantum-scientist known for his “out-of-the-physics-box” experiments and discoveries, working with Nancy Lazaryan and Cara Fay to perform an impressive feat of metaphysical and scientific healing in the face of a natural disaster. 

In 2010 there was a serious oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Massive amounts of oil poured out into the ocean contaminating a vast area. John, Nancy, and Cara utilized specialized equipment to broadcast the frequency of 528 Hz into the afflicted ocean. 

In only 24 hours, the results were astonishing. Nancy was quoted as saying, “The fish were jumping . . . the water that had been murky brown was a clear green. Two dolphins came into 5 feet of water to visit. Schools of fish and crabs were very active in the healed waters.”

The frequency healing treatment utilized by John, Nancy, and Cara was documented by chemist Bob Naman, President of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. (ACT) of Mobile, AL. His report concludes, in part:

“…Based on testing performed from samples received, the frequency exposure resulted in the complete removal of Oil and Grease from the after treatment sample source tested. ACT recommends investigation of this process further to determine large-scale capabilities in cleaning water bodies and areas affected by the dissolved oil/dispersant in water. ” 

So, in essence, 528 Hz can purify water, and the human body is primarily water.

This correlation suggests there is an ancient and Divine Purpose for 528 Hz. 

The Ancient Purpose of 528 Hz… 

Of the Solfeggio Frequencies, 528 Hz is absolutely invaluable due to the current climate of dis-ease, divide-and-conquer, and severe confusion in so many people. 

Souls like you, who take the time to discover, research, and apply Divine Law are a part of an alliance. WE call this the Unseen Alliance. 

We would like to pause and thank you, partially because 528 Hz is directly connected with gratitude, and because many people around you are NOT practicing any form of spiritual mastery. You may feel alone at times but let us remind you — even though it “looks” or “feels” that way, separation is false. You are supported. 

You are GREATLY supported—you are NOT alone.

528 Hz is a sort of clarion call to the whole of an ancient alliance. 

This frequency immediately connects you with all beings on and off of the earth who are in alignment with the frequency of Christ Consciousness or above. This is not to be mistaken as religious dogma (as that is useless). Christ Consciousness is the resonance frequency that transcends the shadow-pride-emotional continuum.

Let’s reference the work of David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D. In his decades of research, Hawkins identified a very interesting threshold in human emotion. He identified pride as a need to be right and make another person wrong. This emotion has created all of humanity’s problems as it is fully self-serving and does not honor Divine or Natural Laws. 

Im better than you. I can do whatever I want to you. Youre only here to obey my commands. Youre food, nothing more.” These are the ideals of pride.

If pride can’t get its way, it gives into anger. Anger believes, “You must be punished for not obeying. Ill show you. Ill break your will. Ill force you to see it my way.”

Anger is always hungry; it needs something to consume. This hunger yields desire which believes, “You belong to me. Fill my void. Give me what I want now!”

And this need to have more can never be fulfilled. Unfulfilled desire slips into fear. Fear believes, “There is danger everywhere. Nothing is safe. Anxiety is normal. Im cut off from SOURCE somehow.” Statistics show we are now living in an era of the greatest number of people receiving treated for anxiety disorders in history.

And, believe it or not, there are emotions that have a lower resonance than fear. Grief feels, “Nothing will ever work. Life cant get better.” Apathy believes, “I cant do it. Who cares…” Guilt believes, “Its all my fault. I should hurt myself.” And lastly shame believes, “Im worthless. Everything is worthless. Everything should be destroyed.”

We offer a thought here. The mythology of the fallen ones or beings who fell from grace because of their defiance of Divine Law and Order are beings of shame. And they want to impose their shame upon you. This is neither fair nor useful in any way. 

It is time to reclaim your innocence.

Innocence is your soul’s essential nature when untarnished by the harshness (and shame) of the world. 

Innocence is the crux of Christ Consciousness, and 528 Hz is the harmonic frequency that helps to restore this sense of innocence. Much of your trauma did not originate from you. You have made mistakes, as have we all, but if you found this article, it is very likely you are an old soul, star seed, incarnated angel, or one who is ready to embrace a great and ancient TRUTH. 

This truth is: SOURCE is LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE.

You are a being of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE. 

Many beautiful souls have been seduced into the prideful love & light” agenda. Prideful because it is NOT of Divine Law or Truth. This agenda carefully hides the “LIFE” aspect from you because it needs to steal your energy.

Have you ever met someone whom you feel is an energy-vampire? They may smile and project “love & light”, but you feel exhausted after interacting with them. Or perhaps they invade your energy by pushing their agenda or demanding you give them something?

Even if you are the kindest and most compassionate person on earth who sees only the good in others…surely you have faced one of these personalities. 

Are you tired of having others take energy from you?

Shouldn’t you be able to choose what and when you give ? 

Isn’t it up to you to decide what is a fair and balanced way?

The “love & light” agenda wants to keep you trapped in the belief that you’re supposed to help these pride-beings. This worldview says you’re being selfish if you take care of yourself. It dictates you owe these pride-beings your love, attention, and/or strength. You do not owe anyone what is YOURS. You do not have to subjugate what is rightfully yours.

And these vampiric games are destined to end.

The world is changing, and you are part of the change.

Which leads us to the promise—528 Hz helps to anchor us on earth.

The Promise behind 528 Hz

When the fall in consciousness happened, a promise was made. A promise from SOURCE and the Unseen Alliance loyal to LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE. The promise was that WE will not leave our kin behind. The promise is that support shall always be given. The promise is that there will be a definite end to this madness. 

You can always sense the truth. Can you feel it in this promise? 

If so, then I (Ryan Angelo, the author of this article) offer you my support.

My team and I have painstakingly created a variety of harmonics devoted to 528Hz, and in keeping with the promise stated above we would like to share them with you. 

Before we do, we ask you to be very careful about listening to others. Trust your gut. Know that many pride-beings want your light. If you listen to a false 528 Hz (or other frequencies), you are sacrificing your LIFE—force. Many “love & light” agenda personalities are putting out false 528 Hz videos and frequencies. 

We have identified a variety of Satanists and other cults who are not in alignment with natural and Divine Law attempting to deceive people with false harmonics.

It pains us to witness this, and we cannot make (nor would we ever force) you to listen. But we put this truth on the table for you. Please carefully consider…

Please, be discerning on whom you focus your attention.

Your focus is your Love, Light, and Lifeforce. 

Choose with discernment. 

When you listen to a pure 528 Hz presentation you will immediately be drawn into the vibration of Christ Consciousness (anointed consciousness that refuses to be played into the pride-beings many traps and games geared at taking your LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE). 

Being a human is difficult. As a wise man once said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Being a human being on earth, especially during these times is very difficult.

We all stumble. We all dip into lower emotions. We all get tempted by many objects fighting for our attention (because there is an ocean of temptation out there), but Christ Consciousness bounces back–Faster, and Faster… and FASTER. This is the promise of the Redeemer Archetype.

Because Christ Consciousness and 528 Hz are archetypal.

The Archetype 528 Hz Represents

Are you familiar with Archetypes? Essentially an archetype is something that is constant. Archetypes are historical psychology that remain consistently applicable today. It is helpful to think of archetypes as weather. Everyone can have a different day, but everyone still experiences the same weather within a certain field of space and time. In essence Archetypes are factors everyone experiences.

Christ Consciousness (again, no religious dogma here, we’re referencing the vibration) is akin to the Redeemer Archetype (the opposite of the Vampiric Archetype). 

The Vampiric Archetype is connected to decay (i.e., wearing down, wasting, debilitating) and death (i.e., irreversible cessation). The Redeemer Archetype is connected to resurrection (i.e., bouncing back) and life (i.e., Natural Abundance, True Freedom, and Individuated Strength within Greater Oneness). 

Redeemer Archetype = Resurrection. Life. 

Vampiric Archetype = Decay. Death. 

528 Hz resonates in total alignment with the frequency of Christ Consciousness and it’s inherent healing, restorative, and empowering qualities. 

Christ-Redeemer Consciousness is akin to the emotional resonance of courage or above (referencing the work of David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph. D.). The emotional resonance of courage says: “I CAN DO THIS!” Courage doesn’t need to control others any more than it needs validation from others. Courage does not take from another’s cup, nor will it give of its cup. Courage refuses to squander its contents of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE. 

Courage says, “Enough is Enough, I refuse to repeat these toxic patterns.” It is the freedom to honor the principle of, “What’s mine is mine, What’s yours is yours.” It is the acceptance that “I AM THAT I AM, Masculine and Feminine are EQUALS, and I AM WORTHY of PEACE.” 

Courage is a great step. It may be THE big step you are being invited to take, today…and each day. *Remember, Divine Timing is a real thing. You were guided to this page by your unseen angels and allies because you’re ready for this step into courage (and you can sustain your courage).

Alas, there are those who don’t want you to.

Freedom from Narcissistic Nonsense

You deserve freedom. 

There are some, however, who don’t want you to be free. This brings us back to pride-beings and the substantial conflict within and around narcissistic personalities. While there are very few true narcissists, their effects are so toxic they tend to impact those around them. They are like toxic vampiric ripples of decay and death, stealing energy from those around them.

This may very well be the true pandemic humanity is facing. 

The real problem with pride-beings, the Vampiric Archetype, and narcissistic patterns is they cannot be cured by conventional means. Their dis-ease is simply too great. They need Divine Intervention. 

May I (Ryan Angelo, author of this article) address you again personally, directly?

How did you find this page? Why are you reading this?

I believe it’s because, you’re of the old souls, incarnated angels, star seeds and many beautiful beings who uphold the Unseen Alliance that is loyal to SOURCE (Love, Light, and Life).

Perhaps you feel you’re a part of this? Perhaps you might not… Or if you agree you agree in part… And if you agree in part, you are wondering what your role is in all of this?

Your role is threefold:

  • Love: Can you accept that perhaps you are loved more than you realize? By receiving Divine Loving Support from SOURCE and filling your cup, you can share it. 
  • Light: Can you consider that maybe you’re more guided than you have recognized? Can you accept that life is a lesson and your lessons have equipped you with wisdom (to see patterns), understanding (the need for balanced compassion), and discernment (what is and what is not truth).
  • Life: Can you honor that you are and have been protected (even in the most challenging moments) and managed to resist the temptations of pride-vampire-narcissistic consciousness at least 51% of the time? You are embodying more of your True Self on a daily basis. You stumble less and stand back up sooner. 

This is your role—to embody your TRUE SELF. You are part of a soul-family and great tribe; a tribe I lovingly call the Phoenix Tribe. Keepers of the Redeemer’s Flame of Christ Consciousness and Formidable-ness. 

In working with many clients from around the world, I have found that our tribe tends to notice a comical sequence in perspectives. 

“Uh, is life supposed to be this hard?” “This doesn’t seem right. I think something is broken.” “Do I really belong here on earth; I really don’t fit in?” “Wait, what? You’re telling me I signed up for this!” 

“Contract!? What do you mean I signed a contract!?” “Yea, yea… Fine. I’ll help.” “Here I go, helping others, again.” “Support? Wait, I get support? I don’t just have to give support all the time?” “Oh, My Goodness! I can’t believe I’m so supported!”  

One must smile and laugh just enough for there to be space for the Unseen Alliance to step in and strengthen your connection to all your brothers and sisters on and off the earth who sustain Christ Frequency (even though many of us have walked in different religions). Love, Light, and Life are the frequency of HOME.

HOME is Pure. And speaking of pure…

What is 528PURE™?

As we shared in the Solfeggio Frequency article, there are a lot of false harmonics being distributed. And given what was shared earlier regarding pride-beings, the Vampiric Archetype, and narcissistic patterns, we lovingly, truthfully, and directly ask you to consider the following statement:

You and you alone are responsible for your LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE. And while many people are as authentic as they can be, quite a few slip into the “love and light” agendas many promises that do not fully honor the importance of boundaries. 

Oneness and autonomy are intended to be equals. 

Feminine and masculine are equal in their importance.

Connection and boundaries must be balanced.

Many of the “healing frequencies” out there are of the “love and light” agenda, and many of these are created by personalities seeking to take your life force. We know this is hard to hear, but an old proverb states, “Your enemies will multiply kisses (and tell you what you want to hear), but wounds (to one’s ego) from a friend can be trusted.” And we are looking out for you.

Many of these false harmonics like 1122Hz or other such numbers do not correspond with the Solfeggio Frequencies or their ancestral roots in PURE harmony based on sacred principles, natural laws, and Divine Order.

Thus, we have developed a unique technology: 528PURE™

This proprietary quantum-harmonic convergence methodology is like carefully weaving eternity into time in such a way that one is surrounded by LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE gently and with great ease. 

It is like poetry written by a fellow soul who has faced the harshness of the world, can see through the ugliness, and reminds you that support from SOURCE cannot be denied.

 It is like the essence of the Eternal Grace sprinkled playfully and patiently into an elixir of remembrance destined to strengthen souls who are ready to be free. 

It really is quite something.

We are humbly proud of it.

And we would like to share it with you.

We freely offer you a variety of these harmonics surrounding specific intentions. This playlist is above.

Private Collection

But we also have a private collection that we will only share with those who are ready for it. While we freely share some wonderful harmonics, our private collection has been woven with such care that we will not simply give them away.

Our Private Collection of 528PURE™ is too powerful to give away. And too valuable to call “free.” And if you decide to act on them, you must promise to never share or give/gift them otherwise the great benefits for you will be thwarted and reversed by divine laws. These harmonics are for our Soul Tribe. 

The Redeemer Archetype (the core essence behind 528PURE™) is the opposite of the pride-beings (who seek to control you), Vampiric Archetypes (that would steal your life-force), and the narcissists (who are very troubled souls). 

If you decide to invest in our private collection, be clear that it will benefit you in many ways, and there will be a wellspring of abundance opening for you. It will take humility and steadiness to accept the fullness of this gift.

If you’re ready, click here.

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has directly worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan helps his clients remember their inner-truth (and hidden soul skills) via the Unseen Ally, a uniquely powerful guidance tool.

Ryan likes veggie tacos, snowboarding, hammocking by a river with a good book, playing video games, helping old souls remember their true SELF (especially if they are incarnated angels), and chocolate (in all forms – but especially rice crispy bars). And laughter! He likes laughter too, and joy…the return to innocence is always enjoyed :)

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

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