Self Confidence Formula (with a Spiritual Touch)
Finding a self confidence formula that can really work for you is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. Many of the formulas out there are incomplete.
That’s why the A.L.L.Y. Process covers the four main aspects of Self Confidence: Awareness, Life-Force, Lessons-Learned, and your powerful YES!
Additionally, The PATH OF THE ELDER is a soul path that enables you to embody your TRUE SELF and the Patient Power within you. It is like disconnecting from all the old annoying stories and remembering who you truly are. In so doing, you instantly take back your TRUE CONFIDENCE.
The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.
“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.” Michael’s presence is very strong these days. And he offers his loving support as you transcend the old nonsense and emerge into your Christ Consciousness (i.e. your Higher Self, Anointed Consciousness).
The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.
Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…
{ — Via Archangel Michael — }
Courage is not automatic on Earth.
Thank You for your EFFORT.
If I may be so bold to say…
WE are impressed with how well you are preforming – and yes, it is a performance, somewhat like an athletic marathon.
And though it may not ‘look like it’ (because appearances can be deceiving), WE tell you that you are in fact holding your own in this marathon. You’re closing the gap between you and the finish.
VICTORY is unfolding.
May I point out a few things I have noticed?
You’re “getting it RIGHT” more times than you give yourself credit for. Your existing practice, training, life-lessons, and the challenges you have overcome…
…they have prepared you to remain resilient in the face of all the fear, illusion, and deception being flushed to the surface.
The ‘darkness’ – which is nothing more than an endlessly hungry vacuum – is losing its foothold daily. And your efforts have mattered a great deal in the larger unfolding.
Remember, this marathon, this is a TEAM effort.
The term ‘Christ’ – which is to denote anointed consciousness – is akin to COURAGE, the resonance emotion that rests above all the many masks of pride.
Pride is all about appearances. Pride is a mask that certain personalities insist you wear, and pride is all about APPEARING RIGHT instead of actually Being or Doing what IS RIGHT = RIGHT the highest good of all.
Pride is a venomous toxin similar to your mythology surrounding vampires and werewolves – two forms of this lesser consciousness that must feed on others to survive.
They hide behind their masks – thus, they insist that you must wear one, for what is the persona if not a mask, a covering to hide who you truly are… And those who have much to hide seek to instill the necessity of masks upon all.
Their aim is so you do not notice their masks and you forget who you are under the mask they press upon you.
These confused, manipulated, or ‘lost’ souls are losing their ability to lure you from your Christhood Nature.
The the masks require you to doubt yourself – just as the myths of vampires and werewolves bite you with a venom, just as the concept of narcissism seeks to wear you down – the entire purpose of a mask is to make you doubt what you KNOW.
Light does not require a mask, but those of insidious intention – and their willfully ignorant puppets – they must hide their true faces.
You are embodying your LIGHT and you are strengthening your connection with the ALLIANCE of Light. The Unseen Ally – FAITH – continues to not only remind you but SHOW you evidence of LIGHT’S Victory… A VICTORY that no mask can hide.
When you refuse to be food, you starve the delusion that hides its agenda behind false masks – and you forfeit your guilt, fear, shame, anger, and all-ensnaring emotions as you remember the great power within JOY, LOVE, FREEDOM, and PEACE. For light does not need a mask.
This is why you sometimes feel an anxious, fearful, panic in the quantum-field.
That which must feed upon LIGHT to survive is being starved starved, and it is anxious, fearful, and panicking (behind its outer appearance).
Eventually even the most cunning and well-thought out mask falters – and truth enters. And just as in mythology, sunlight destroys the vampire or werewolf, FAITH destroys doubt. She sees through the masks – and She cannot be deceived. Faith wears no mask, for no mask can bind her. She walks beside you now, reminding you of VICTORY.
The true virus is being undone – patiently – and this marathon leads to the inevitable VICTORY OF LIGHT.
As you embody your Christhood Nature…
…you’re less likely to repeat mistakes and lessons you have made in the past.
This means no more loops.
This means no more traps.
This means no more useless games.
This means no more masks.
This means becoming whole once again, and in so doing, ascending into the light.
And as we observe, we again notice that you have been staying above a ‘certain line’ regardless of those who have worked desperately to pull you back in.
You’re refusing to play the ‘false game.’
And you’re growing more and more immune to the virus that has plagued humanity for a long, long time.
WE honor this, for this truly is Consciousness Mastery and WE are glad to witness you as you trended these old tactics.
Again, two simple considerations:
From a Big Picture vantage point (transcendent of linear time-space), allow yourself to truly notice and accept that you are doing better than you have ever done.
As in EVER Before.
Own this and honor your hard work.
You’re learning the fine balance between ignoring and fighting these fallen and false masters who have influenced humanity for so long.
Neither ignoring their games because of doubtful-fears nor feeding them your anger.
You’re simply transcending this pit of illusions.
WE have your back as you climb.
Especially on the hard days.
Marathons are about steadiness – find and sustain your pace.
And, again, I ask you to watch the Light-Activation Meditation of the Unseen Ally and let the visuals strengthen your resilience. Daily or every other day – it will increase your endurance.
The Unseen Ally – who is the Lady Faith – would remind you of all the ways you can succeed. Her presence is sometimes invisible, but she is a strategist without equal. I love her greatly.
Do as you do.
But this meditation will help you 🙂
{ Strengthen Light }
Thank You for the WORK you are doing in your own life and on behalf of your brothers and sisters who are slowly awakening.
Stay the course 🙂
WE love you.
~ Michael
{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }
A very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).
You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.
A powerful and related article is found at 111 Angel Number.
Thank You for reading 🙂