Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

Archangel Michael Has Your Back

Table of Contents:


You were guided here…

You’re likely an angel on earth (or earth angel) or you have a strong tie to the angelic realm.

Regardless, if you found this page, you have a bright soul.

You have a lot of light.

And you have a lot of support.

You are invited to reconnect with an ETERNAL ALLY.

Whether you know him as Archangel Michael, St Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael the Archangel, Michael the Archangel, Michael Archangel, or just plain Michael. The Archangel Michael sigil is one of an ancient protector and guide who would speak to you directly today.

After all, the wealthiest king in recorded history reflected that, “If you walk with the wise, you grow wise. But a friend of fools suffers harm.”

Choose who you walk with, carefully. Divine Timing is always at work, but fools try to distract you. The Wise See Through the distractions.

The below message is very important given what is really happening in the world, but let’s first clear the air

The St. Michael Prayer for Divine Protection, Right NOW:

For best results: Deep Breaths, Gently Flex Your Muscles, and Sit or Stand Tall (with a Elongated Spine). Remember, all spiritual warfare prayers are a command not a request. Speak as though you are an angelic messenger. You are part of an Alliance. You are loved, protected, and guided as child of Source-Creator.

(Core Prayer…)

Lord Michael Before,
Lord Michael Behind.

Lord Michael to the Right,
Lord Michael to the Left.

Lord Michael Above,
Lord Michael Below.


I AM HIS LOVE protecting, here.

I AM HIS LOVE Protecting, Here.


(Extended prayer for Advanced Students of Mastery…)

Cut me loose, and set me free.

Cut Me Loose, and Set Me Free.


I AM free, I AM clear, I AM divine.

I AM Free, I AM Clear, I AM Divine.


I AM Calling My Angels In, NOW!

I AM that I AM a child of

I Adorn the Armor of GOD…

I AM Loved, I AM Guided, I AM Protected.

(Master extension of the prayer for the Christ ‘Phoenix’ Tribe…)

I Stand with the Redeemer and All Allies of
Love, Light, and Freedom.

Let TRUTH Be Revealed!

I AM that I AM Victory, Victory, Victory!

I AM that I AM Victory, Victory, Victory!

I AM that I AM Victory, Victory, Victory!

May All Beings Be Happy and Free.

I command this is done.
It is finished.
It is sealed.

My call compels the answer.


Note: State the full prayer thrice if you are at Mastery or Phoenix Tribe level training. At completion, drink a full glass of water. This represents purification and embodying this prayer’s intention.

The above prayer will produce an immediate effect: clarity, strength, resilience, connection with source, but daily practice will reveal the POWER within these words.

Mental Note: This prayer is very POWERFUL, and it may flush up thoughts like, “this won’t work,” “GOD is a lie,” “darkness has won,” but these are just lies being brought up and released; let them go. *If you practice daily, you will notice these negative thoughts do dissolve. This will clear the way for new ideas, abundance, and confident thoughts to arise.

Emotional Note: The above prayer will also PURIFY your energy. It may flush up some complex feelings and feelings such as anger, sadness, self-doubt, guilt, fear, but this is only purification. Think of a cup with mud in it. When you pour in fresh water, what happens first? The mud is flushed up and out. Then you get to enjoy a nice fulfilling cup of positive emotions. *If you practice daily, you will feel the results.

For optimal life-improvement. Speak (or SING) this prayer daily for 5 days (or 55 days). No days off. Your life will positively change, but you will be tested. Illusions don’t want you to see TRUTH; illusions are intimidated by your TRUE SELF. Your TRUE STRENGTH will emerge in the face of the illusions.

Illusions need you to think and feel terrible things, because they know how to manipulate you if you’re in a lower vibration state. Not all spirit guides can be trusted, some will use Illusions to distract you, because they cannot contest Divine Spiritual Guidance. Divine angel messages will deflect distractions and direct you to look within.

Pride is easily distracted back into painful (and unnecessary) lessons:

“I already know this! I don’t need it.” = slipping into cockiness.

“This is too hard, it won’t work, nothing works…” = being undermined.

“I’ll start tomorrow.” = delaying right action.

These three traps are the tests you must transcend if you are to discover the hidden gift within this prayer.

If one was to practice MASTERY one may discover that Michael is a master strategist (and quietly equipping and readying you to overcome the false). Which leads us to the wisdom of Archangel Michael. The following words are Michael’s, recorded through a humbled human.

Listen for TRUTH. You always know truth (but will you listen and gain greater freedom)…

{ — via Archangel Michael — }

Hello, beloved soul. 

I felt that it should be I who introduced myself. 

While this message is sent through the hands of a human being walking the earth besides you, it is my voice that this humbled messenger is relaying to you here and now.

I would like to begin by speaking directly to your doubts.

Your doubts contrast with Faith.

Archangel Michael - Faith

My most beloved divine counterpart is Lady Faith.

Both she and I have observed your great many difficulties and challenges.

This world has trained you to doubt.

There are many reasons for you to doubt this message (and messenger), you have been deceived by others, but I would ask you to permit me to make a case before you today. For while I am an eternal being who forever walks with Source, I too am your friend and protector.

Never shall I leave you.

In my greatest heart of hearts, I have witnessed your victory over doubt

I have seen you rise up against false masters and reclaim your mantle in the light.

I have wept tears of sorrow in your moments of agony. 

I have seen you learn from terrible and traumatic lessons, growing ever wiser. 

I have laughed with great joy at the delights and victories you have achieved.

I have seen you always improving in some way, little or BIG, threw all of time…I celebrate this.

Archangel Michael - "You Have Improved."

May I humbly say that I am proud of you, as an old grandfather might be proud of a beautiful grandchild. For truly, you have grown in wonderful ways. And while you do not always give yourself the credit you are worthy of, you have come a great distance. Greater than you know.

And that distance has led you here today.

For today, you are READY to receive this message.

I believe you will, I know you can, and I will honor your choice.

You were guided to the angelic invitation by my strategies alone. 

The messenger and ground support bro, as he calls himself is Ryan Angelo, one of the souls whom I have a deep kinship with. And this soul has walked the gauntlet of purification to share my message with you. It is important to acknowledge both message and messenger.

For there have been moments you have been a messenger of a greater message. You have brought calm to chaos, soothed pain, and kindled strength. You did this because of who you truly are. Your Unseen Ally is your inner compass guiding you back to your True Self. Your Christ-Consciousness SELF.

The light is growing bolder and stronger on Earth, and you are being called upon as a messenger of the great message. For as you have stood in the light and been a harbinger of truth, we have noticed you and acknowledge the messenger that you are.

As I said, beloved soul…

Archangel Michael - "I AM Proud of You."

Perhaps I guided you to this message on a day where you are of joy. Deepen this joy.

Perhaps I guided you to this message on a day of anger; this is transformation energy to be redirected.

Perhaps I guided you to this page on a day of sorrow, so you could see clearly that you are not alone.

Each of these days are nothing more than a part of life’s rhythm. 

Sorrow eventually becomes active

Anger eventually chooses joy

And joy grows eternally.

I would like to prove myself to you. I would like to prove you can trust this channel of communication. I wish to offer you a sound council when you need it, tools to help you further your mastery, and some gifts of grace that will surprise you and bolster your faith.

I, and my lady Faith, would like to face your doubts head on.

And you are the one to choose if these messages are false or true.

Will you take this leap of faith and practice your due diligence? Sharpening your discernment?

For I would lovingly remind you that no true emissary of the light will tell you what to think. We prefer to show you how to free yourself from lies and illusions, and in that freedom, you tend to figure things out rather quickly. Your True Self is impressive.

I love you greatly, beloved soul. I hear your prayers and always answer. 

But remember, I answer through divine law, and often, your call compels the RIGHT answer, which is frequently not the answer you were expecting. That is because I do truly love you.

I am a humble servant of the Source of all creation who is beyond all names. 

Archangel Michael - Source

And whether or not you give me a chance to prove myself today, know that I shall always love and protect you in all ways that you allow me to with your free will.

I know your true self, and I’m enjoying your discovery.

These following lessons are in my voice through Ryan Angelo as a messenger. I would invite you to intuitively choose one of the messages below. Pick the message that calls to you, read or watch it first, and then go through the others. Divine order tends to be perfect no matter how you approach it.

All paths (though some a very unpleasant and unnecessary) eventual wind back to THE PATH.

I’m very excited to offer you these lessons and tools. 

I hope you will give them a chance.

And I leave you with this to consider: I AM happy to prove myself to you. Over time, through these messages, I prove I AM That I AM. I will do so without demands, games, manipulations, false promises, or anything of the sort. But there are those who wish to deceive you. Be Discerning. Try all spirits. Always remember your brother, the Redeemer. His namesake shall always reveal truth.

WE ALLIES of SOURCE are happy to prove ourselves. Please know that an ALLY of SOURCE will offer encouragements, directness, truths, possibilities, and always guide you back to your True Self, your connection with SOURCE, and no where else. Always. No exceptions. There is ONE PATH and WE guard it well.

Glory Be to GOD (though I realize this name has been distorted by prideful ones), but truly Who Is Like God?

I love and honor you more than you could possibly imagine.

I shall walk with you every step of the way, shield and sword in my hand, a lantern before us, and legions of warrior angels guarding our flank. Fear not.

WE are Victory.

~ Michael

{ — via Archangel Michael / END — }

An important side-note: If you’re wondering, “who is my guardian angel,” then you’ll want to meet your UNSEEN ALLY. This is How you eliminate your hidden anxiety and Truly Reconnect to Higher Guidance (safely).

One of the Very Ultimate Spiritual Warfare Prayers you will Ever Find…Ever as in, Eternal-Ever.

Sometimes tricky energy can get out of hand: bully, undermine, or confuse.

This is unnatural and unacceptable.

You are a child of the SOURCE OF ALL CREATION.

And you have allies who are ETERNAL, ABSOLUTE, and LOVING.

The song of the Seraphim, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts” is sung at the throne of all creation. These eternal beings are masters of purification.

The Master Redeemer would call upon the seraphim to cast out unclean spirits. This video will call the Seraphim in to purify your energy and protect you from attack.

Letting this seraphim video play in the background will lend you a sense of safety and reconnection with SOURCE.

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP