Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels​

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

Archangel Michael Reminds us: “Let Bygones be Bygones,” because Different People Need Different Lessons.

Let Bygones be Bygones

{ — via Archangel Michael — }

Hello beloved souls,

I write this with a smile.

As you continue to move closer and closer to the manifest reality that is your greatest joy…

…you are being shown (subtle and overt) examples that you’re on path…

However, I have noticed a pattern I’d like to clarify.

When complex emotions, memories, or relationship entanglements come forth, it does not mean anything is ‘wrong.’

Rather, you’re in the process of literally “leveling-up” so that you can not only withstand, but thrive in higher a frequency existence.

However, your cells may interpret this cleansing and purification process as a threat to your safety or security. 

You may experience this as Anxiousness.

You who read these messages are on the forefront of this mandatory evolution. And you may be looking around you and noticing the fear-games flooding the media.

+ Viruses

+ Political Issues

+ Conflicts

+ etc, etc, etc…

But, allow me to ask you this: have you noticed that you’re seeing THROUGH all the smoke screens more and more and MORE?

It is as if many egos are squabbling over who will get the toy…

Say no to bullies

The ‘toy’ is control of attention, attention = life-force.

Other egos may be drawn into these many wayward spectacles as they ‘demand’ attention. Drama has always been seductive…

Pointless, but seductive.

And yet, in this battle over attention, there is another who remembers oneness (and does not need to fight for attention). This BE-ing remembers a greater truth. 

An awareness who can see though the acts of fear, trickery, and bullying… 

Some egos simply want control and are fighting each other to see who can claim it, but they cannot control the Elders who see through such games. 

And, in this instance, the Elder teacher is YOU.  You’re in the same classroom with these ‘egos,’ but your lessons are are very different.

Different kinds of people

Where they must release their desperate desire for control and remember oneness’ perfection, you must remain AWARE as you embrace your autonomy within this oneness. You must accept your soul’s wealth and abundance.

Wealth and Abundance is being brought to you by means you may already see (projects you have worked on), means you cannot see (divine-timing alignments), or means that will humble you (such as an unexpected invitation to do something that will test and reward you greatly).

However, if you are caught up in the squabbling, then your light is entangled in these pointless drama games…

If your focus is tied up by meaningless drama, then your light dims, making it harder for you to complete, notice, or receive gestures of abundance and prosperity.

Egos are loud and panicking. 

Divinity-Timing, Synchronicity, and Eternal-Strategy is absolute and in no rush.

If you would keep your light focused rightly – if you would sustain your autonomy and CHOOSE your focus wisely – you will be shown evidence and indications that abundance and prosperity already happened, will be happening, or may surprise you with growth.

Be not deceived or sucked into drama.

Instead, love and honor your inner-child and innocence.


Be YOU. Own Your LIGHT.

Listen and notice to the voice of wealth and abundance patiently guiding you home – guiding to your highest joy.

Your UNSEEN ALLY is steady and skilled – and always guides you along one of seven pathways through any challenges you may face.

*You’re not in this alone, but if you fixate on drama (any drama), you won’t see all the the bigger picture and all the moving parts working FOR you to AID you.

You are greatly loved.

~ Michael

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP