Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

Feeling Cast Into Doubt? No worries… You have a Divine Life Raft

You have help

Feeling cast into doubt…

Have you ever felt the terrible heaviness of doubt? It seems impossible to escape. It becomes hard to breathe. You can’t think straight. And what’s worse, the doubt seems to grow in many directions.

It can seem hopeless if you don’t have a clear way to transcend it.

The other day I was battling doubts so I paused to ask Archangel Michael the following question:

Michael, How do I trust GOD or the CREATOR when I have so much reason to doubt? And there is so much evil in this world? How could I possibly trust when every instinct I have tells me that I’ll be let down if I do? His reply is below. It was very humbling.

If you’re a student of the Seven Soul Paths, The PATH OF THE ELDER is a skill that allows you to deflect doubt from you. It helps you to reclaim your connection with the Creator. And it strengthens your natural resilience to fear-games.

Feeling cast into doubt can seem endless, but you can turn it around.

The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.

“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.” Michael’s presence is very strong these days. And he offers his loving support as you transcend the old nonsense and emerge into your Christ Consciousness (i.e. your Higher Self, Anointed Consciousness).

The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.

Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…

{ — Via Archangel Michael — }

refuse to be cast into doubt

This is a good question to ask. 

And if I may, I’d like to answer a question with a question for now.

What if you do trust in the SOURCE OF ALL? The CREATOR. But all of your discomfort and dis-ease is due to the instilled distrust that was woven into your very womb and genetic code. Lines of dis-trust that created dis-ease that have spanned eons. Spanning all the way back to the fall into consciousness. 

All the way to the very moment when doubt was created falsely to elicit a response from those not yet prepared to face such an abnormality. 

This initial distrust in the CREATOR is what yelled all pain. And the refusal to face this mistake via the temptation of pride to ‘be right no matter what,’ has created ongoing suffering that has become all but normal in so many lives.

Suffering is a constant in many lives. And if one suffers and knows not how to alleviate their suffering, they may do all they can to pass it on to others or numb it within themselves. And this is the hallmark of doubt.

Refusing to listen to the Still Small VOICE OF TRUTH within you. 

The resistance that the body feels in the moments when internal conflict is taking place is the very conflict between the lie within and the TRUTH within. 

This conflict is due to very well-placed lies lingering within your unconscious and creating many metaphorical limbs throughout your subconscious. The false fruits of these unconscious lies are experienced in your waking (or conscious) life. 

The distrust that you ask about is the refusal to accept that at all times you are offered aid in some manner or way. There is always an effort to elevate you and help you free yourself from others who perpetuate such deception.

But when many have come to embrace a lie and distrust that they can be free once again, they are forced to appease the lie. For if the TRUTH WITHIN ONE is not awakened enough to resist the lie’s ongoing effort to consume, then that one will feel great suffering. 

And in that suffering, one will have a hard choice to make.

Embrace the suffering. Or face its cause.

Embracing it is the process of living with it. Or living with negative beliefs, entertaining toxic thoughts, submitting to painful feelings, and doing nothing to change this state. The effort to numb this state is only the process of repressing or suppressing the pain further. Burring the lie.

The alternative is to share the lie. For if others believe a lie is true, then no one must face a greater TRUTH. If TRUTH isn’t true, and the lie becomes true then they are justified in within the lie and can fully blame the CREATOR for the suffering they experience.

If I may clarify the complexity of these words, I’d simply say this. If there is a weed in your flowerbed and you are too lazy to pull it out, this weed may grow under the soil. And over time more weeds will sprout up where you can see them. This makes the task of removing them all the more challenging. 

And if time goes on further, the weeds take the place of your intended flowerbed (i.e. flowers, plants, herbs) and the weeds themselves become your flowerbed.

The temptation is to justify the weeds as flowers when they are not truly serving a purpose. Your flowerbed was created with a different intentionality.

However, if you face the cause of suffering. If you face pain. And truly face it. If you look directly at the weed growing in your flowerbed and choose to correct it. You are met with the lie’s resistance. Anger, fear, or laziness are the core means. 

Anger that you let it happen or blame towards those who played a role.

Fear that you’re alone in this and too weak to ever make a difference.

Laziness that it is what it is and you’ll get to it tomorrow if you have time. 

These are the heralds of the lie.

But if you are honest with yourself. 

Anger is suffering.

Fear is suffering.

Laziness is suffering.

They are all limbs of a corrupted root well beneath the soil of your mind. Deep within the unconscious makeup of all that you are, these things have grown not because they are true, but because they have been left unchecked. 

You have come here to end this. To end the lie. To pull up the roots of these weeds of pain and burn away the limbs and false fruit. 

Again, I return to a simpler way of conveying this.

If you are clever, then cleverness is used against you to keep you caught in clever suffering. If you are kind, then your kindness is used against you to keep you suffering. If you are strong, then your strength is used against you to keep you suffering.

They who perpetuate the lie move around hiding out of sight terrified you’ll see them and shine light upon them. For those who have the strength within a lie are those who have no strength when confronted with DIVINE TRUE. THE ACTUAL TRUTH IS THEIR BANE. 

cast into doubt no more

And so I return to your question.

How can you trust in the CREATOR when so much evil has happened? Because good has happened and evil has never won. And while parts of the world are fully ensured by the efforts of evil, evil has never succeeded in claiming the whole of humanity.

Nor shall it. 

Evil has never succeeded in claiming you. How is it that with such evil in the world you are reading these words and seeking to grow? How is it that you yearn for truth when lies surround you? How is it that your inner knowing is waking to greater measures of truth despite the mechanisms that were built to keep you asleep?

For that, beloved is the CREATOR’S work. The core of you is a part of the CREATOR. Loyal always to TRUTH. For TRUTH IS THE CREATOR’S WAY. DIVINE ORDER. IT IS THE HALLMARK OF YOUR POTENTIAL. 

You are an example of one who, despite the lies, you were forced to take upon yourself within the womb and through your genetic code, despite the karmic lessons of other times that you have agreed to sort out and transcend, despite all of this…

…you are doing the work. You are embodying your TRUE SELF.

You are an example of the CREATOR’S MASTER PLAN.


And you are succeeding.

I hope I have answered this question. 

For doubt is nothing more than a lie that has not been faced. A lie that has created many offshoots of suffering. And the suffering is not who you are. It is what you’re transcending. As you face the true core of your suffering, you find the lie hiding.

As you pull it up you face your own resistance to confronting the truth.

But if you honor your INNER KNOWING and INNER STRENGTH, and remember that the whole of the UNSEEN ALLIANCE supports you, then you recognize that you have the POWER to undo the lie and all of its influence over you.

In this, you embody your CHRIST SELF… YOUR ANOINTED SELF… Your TRUE SELF.

cast into doubt

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }

If you have felt cast into doubt, remember a very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).

You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.

A powerful and related article is found at 222 Angel Number.

Thank You for reading 🙂

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP