The dark night of the soul is challenging time, but it ends.
Old friend, and I’m calling you old friend because if you read these words you’re likely soul-tribe on some level and whatever your dark night of the soul is, my heart goes out to you.
I’d like to offer you a humble encouragement. This ordeal, whatever it is, could not happen if you were not ready to overcome it. If shadows are allowed to test you, you are authorized to PASS THE TEST.
Remember, transcendence is a process.
As you transcend this dark night of the soul, remember that you are well-equipped. Life lessons have prepared you. Even if you face a great unknown, there are skills within your soul that guide you.
Remember, the Seven Soul Paths offer endless support. You are not alone in this.
The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.
“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.“
The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.
Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…
{ — Via Archangel Michael — }
Let me offer you some solace in this ‘dark night’ that has weighed so heavily upon you and your kin. Those who agreed to come into this world to hold space were of the greatest champions.
It takes a LOT to keep the light on in a hungry darkness… And it takes even more to resend a hungry darkness’ efforts… And it takes the MOST to transcend the darkness’ final efforts.
You are transcending.
I know it doesn’t feel like that on some days, but I reside beyond time-space. I witness eternity just as I witness time-space. I see both.
You know me. You know my voice…
…I yield truth and only truth.
In this moment, I tell you – you are transcending. And this is the hardest part, because this is the “darkness before dawn.” These are the “final contractions before birth,” contractions that must be surrendered to and breathed through…
It is not a matter of WHEN WILL THE BREAKTHROUGH HAPPEN (for fixating on ‘when’ will fuel the ego’s doubts and fears)…

…it is a matter of HONORING THIS AS THE BREAKTHROUGH PROCESS. “THIS” is what the breakthrough looks like while the breakthrough comes to pass. But you are inside of this process. You can’t see it from within it. You’re experiencing the Breakthrough.
Your task, your test, is to practice your mastery.
Make no mistake, this guided vision quest housed at unseenally. com is my strategy which I have given to you to aid you. RIGHT NOW.
I know better than to argue with an ego.
For an ego is too busy to do what really needs to be done. Ego is too distrusting to receive Divine Support and Assistance. Ego already knows too much and is unable to embrace greater wisdom.
Alas, those of ego will not receive my gift.
But perhaps you will…
…if you WATCH (eyes open) this guided vision quest for at least a week, you will experience a shift that cannot be denied or ignored.
“IF” you watch.
This will help you pass all your tests.
Or you can do it the ego-way…
Falter in tests, suffer needlessly, and resent others or blame the Divine for various things.
Ignorance is not Bliss, old friends.
Ignorance simply fights the pain it willfully and needlessly suffers.
Ignorance is PRIDE.

Whether your will serves your ego or your Christ-Buddha-Higher SELF Nature, your will remains your will.
Your ‘choices are yours to make.’ And sometimes too much is happening to worry about too many choices.
Sometimes MASTERY is found only in your steadiness, and being aware of a better choice as is presents itself to you.
Worry blinds and can’t see through a dark night. Faith illuminates and can feel the sunrise will come soon.
WE have your back 🙂
~ Michael
{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }
A very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).
You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.
This unique 528 hz healing frequency will help you greatly.
A powerful and related article is found at 777 Angel Number. Because the 777 Meaning is honor the mystery of transcendence. Or the Angel Number 444 message could remind you of your innate gifts of co-creation, building, and working with spiritual laws to achieve victory.
Thank You for reading 🙂