{ — via Archangel Michael — }
Heed this or dismiss it,
but when truth is spoken,
it is wise to listen.
Time is not an adversary.
The accelerated energy you feel at times may call forth sensations of urgency, anxiousness, or concern.
Just because your body reacts to this stimulus in a ‘survival’ way does not mean your survival is threatened in any way…
However, if you do give into the ‘looming’ urgency, you may find yourself moving too quickly to see and notice the divine alignments.
What you call synchronicity is the wonder-full art and science of Divine Timing. Please consider this:
There are billions of souls incarnated on the earth right now.
Each of these souls has an ego-personality that houses many thoughts and emotions.
Each of these souls are spirit-in-matter-energy in a physical body.
All of this is interacting in a way that either brings forth harmony or disharmony…
Please consider the last time you had a synchronistic moment.
I humbly advise you to not skim over this portion of the message, but rather consider your last synchronistic moment that helped you feel ‘on path.’
For example: let’s say you had a conversation that was very timely, filled in a blank spot, and gave you clarity that led to a sense of peace and fulfillment.
Did that happen by luck?
Did eternal allies (namely your Unseen Ally) align infinite possibilities in such a way that you and this other soul would ‘happen to meet.’
A ‘chance’ meeting or synchronistic event is a brilliant mathematical equation that is artistically brought into manifest form.
The number of preceding thoughts, emotions, eventualities, and spiritual influences are fully beyond human comprehension.
In essence, there is SO much happening behind the scenes that it is beyond a human being’s capacity to grasp. You – and all of humanity – have so much support that the full majesty of this scientifically artistic tapestry cannot effectively be described.
Thus, I offer you this reminder.
Energy is increasing because a choice was made at higher levels, and this choice can not be contested.
Your thoughts and emotions are being stimulated by this energy (i.e., you’re feeling a lot or tempted to think much more).
Your body is experiencing increasing amounts of energy on a daily basis, and physical bodies tend to react.
You’re surrounded by a lot of reactive personalities and egos that are not practicing mastery as you are.
Please notice how MUCH is happening – and within that, accept that it is NOT all on you.
There are countless alignments offering you aid (many more than you currently notice).
You cannot fathom the magnitudes of LIGHT-STRATEGY that are working on your behalf and and creating victories in this ‘chess match’ between TRUTH and illusion.
My encouragement is this:
Honor time as an ally by your side…
…because you are on a rollercoaster that’s speeding up, and there are a lot of personalities on this coaster who are panicking. You are being shown many indications of LIGHT’S VICTORY, but if you give into the chaotic energy, you might miss them.
Steady yourself.
Eat well.
Teach your body that you’re safe.
Honor time and Divine Timing.
Rush less.
Be at peace with the ‘fastness.’
I invite you to re-read this message, but many of my warrior friends tend to listen much less than they think they do, and thus they invite unnecessary lessons that create ‘delays’ that these warriors tend to battle with.
Again, I invite you to understand that DIVINE TIMING is how eternity influences time.
Stillness, old friend. Stillness.
My love and blessings to you,
~ Michael