Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels​

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

Dust off the past, and Celebrate A NEW Life!

Your New Life Awaits You

Ready for New Life or a fresh start?

Living your best life is nothing more than a choice that you refuse to give up on. It is a single decision that you hold to despite the distractions, bullies, and weirdness. It is the ONE THING you always prioritize and never put off until tomorrow.

What is it?

Simply this: you truly accept your worth.

Not in some fake way. Nor in a way that says you’ll be worthy tomorrow. Nor in a partial way where you keep saying that you’re worthy when you don’t feel it inside. No.


If you’re a student of the Seven Soul Paths, The PATH OF THE UNIFIER focuses on restoring your cup and filling yourself with SUPPORTIVE AND LOVING energy. From within you and beyond you. It is the balance of giving and receiving. Because your NEW LIFE requires you receive graciously.

And any resistance or arguments against that last sentence are the very limiting-factors that you hear to undo. That’s why you found this message when you did.

The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.

“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.” Michael’s presence is very strong these days. And he offers his loving support as you transcend the old nonsense and emerge into your Christ Consciousness (i.e. your Higher Self, Anointed Consciousness).

The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.

Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…

{ — Via Archangel Michael — }

How to start a new life

Have you ever sought a new life?

To feel newness once again?

A fresh start?

And opening into a great unknown that would be your personal adventure?

For this is what WE offer you… 

A return to truth in the face of so many lies. 

So many of these lies are not yours but were given to you. Passed down from parent to child since the very core essence of these lies were formulated by those who have agendas that are not congruent with Divine Order or Divine Laws. 

These lies use the very Divine Laws to inhibit your co-CREATIVE powers keeping you trapped within webs of dis-belief and dis-ease. The destructive force known as doubt is one of the most formidable tools that the fallen ones will have used against you.

Doubt is a fully unnatural aspect of the mind. It is the core root of a corrupted ego. And from this root, it grows in many directions creating many false fruits. 

In other words, If you can be convinced of a lie, you will feel the urge to protect the lie and create many other sub-lies to defend the root lie. These sub-lies are the fruits of something fully false and useless to you.

Yet, your co-CREATIVE power is bound up by the very doubt you were manipulated to embrace and accept as your own. But I wish to pause your clever mind for a moment and ask the greater AWARENESS that you are a humble question:

Have you ever wondered why you doubt yourself?

Have you ever come to reason that doubt is useless?

Have you ever grown frustrated with the bramble that is doubt inhibiting your freedom and binding your ability to move freely and explore the fullness of your SELF?

For if you have, I honor the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN YOU. And I make no apology for using the word CHRIST in its intended manner. OUR brother, Yeshua (whom you may know as JESUS) came here to anchor this resonance within the very heart of all humanity.

He cut through the core-roots of doubt and entered into its very sub-molecular essence and instilled a core ingredient: REDEMPTION. 

Your New Life

For He or She who should BELIEVE in CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS would become free. Yeshua (Jesus) showed you the way. He spoke clearly as he did so. And he warned that there would be those who would work to keep you asleep.

He warned that there would be those who would pervert his work in their own ways for their own aims. For those who have derived all of their ‘power’ from doubt must keep you in doubt if they are to have any ‘power’ over you at all.

Of course, they have no TRUE POWER, but they have manipulated your LIGHT against you because they fear you. 



For you are their judge.

Not in the harsh judgement, for FINAL JUDGEMENT belongs solely to the CREATOR. You are the judge who chooses to end their false reign over you. By freeing yourself of their doubt-games, you swiftly enter into CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. And within CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS you are swiftly made immune to the currents of doubt. For doubt is what you have come here to transcend.

Fear and hate are only byproducts of doubt.

Doubt is the core lie.

CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is freedom from doubt. 


They have denied their true purpose, and the sum of their creation is doubt. That is all they have been able to create separate from the CREATOR. 

So I ask you today. Do you want to linger in doubt?

Or shall you TRANSCEND doubt via the CHRIST POTENTIAL YOU ARE?

You are loved more than you can imagine.

~ Michael

New Life

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }

A very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).

You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.

A powerful and related article is found at 111 Angel Number.

Thank You for reading 🙂

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP