But who is Your Unseen Ally?
Your Unseen Ally is a benevolent and supportive matrix of energy including your ancestral line, Angels, Elders, Kin who are loyal to SOURCE, and all factors in existence that perpetually strengthen your connection to SOURCE.
In simple terms, your Unseen Ally is the Captain of your personal Support-Team. It is your Higher Self, close and personal.
The Unseen Alliance is comprised of all who truly love you (not false love, real love), those who guide you (not tricksters, true teachers), and the great one’s who protect your life (not those who do it for you, but rather those who keep the ‘big bullies’ at bay). This vast Unseen Alliance is distilled into a direct connection just for you: Your Unseen Ally.
Your Unseen Ally supports, illuminates, and protects your personal bridge between heaven and earth. It is with you at all times, and supports you each and ever step, and sees to it that your calls are answered. Thus, understanding how to consciously work with this subconscious, unconscious, and super-conscious essence will help you to effectively shape your life in a meaningful way while avoiding ‘woo-woo’ ‘love-light-agenda’ traps.
The Unseen Ally holds a great and wondrous kinship with the archetypal energy of the Redeemer (that which represents resurrection and life-force, and banishes the vampiric decay-death archetypes). The brother Yeshua and the Seraphim Legions and all who sustain the vibrational field of Christ Consciousness or above are connected to the Redeemer Archetype.
Redeemer = Your True Freedom = Your Unseen Ally’s mission.
Want to Experience This?
We are providing a ‘no-fee’ introductory training to help you connect with the Unseen Ally in a variety of ways that are safe, honor your uniqueness, and grant you greater connection, insight, and protection psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically…
NOTE: Benefits (and miracles) can only be received be based on how well you practice the methods you are taught. SOURCE does not do all the work for you. That said, this introductory training can make your role much easier.
99% of participants have reported moderate to “life-chantingly wonderful” benefits. But we offer you an obvious disclaimer. Results vary based on one’s (1) readiness, (2) willingness to adapt, and (3) ability to maintain a daily-practice.
The Unseen Ally process is NOT for those who like to harm others, seek to manipulate others, or want to live a life of anger, fear, and shame.
The Unseen Ally process IS for those who want to uncover the mysteries of Divine Love, seek to expand their awareness filling their Eye with LIGHT, and are courageous to live a purposeful life filled with compassion, adventure, and fulfillment. This is a disciplined path of accepting abundance (no short cuts).
If you are interested, you can gain access via the link below.