To Thine Own Self Be True
You know what to do. Your True Self has exceptional awareness and can navigate the currents of life.
To thine own self be true is a reminder that you must always attune your focus to this innermost aspect of you. There are so many conflicting stories and points of view in the world. How do you know what to listen to? How do you know what to focus on?
You attune to your True Self. For in this you will always KNOW.
If you’re a student of the Seven Soul Paths, The PATH OF THE MANIFESTER develops a deep intuitive knowing that can navigate any landscape. This path is a path of wholeness. When you become whole you are no longer limited by old stories, beliefs, or illusions. These things came from the world around you, but your True Self can see through them.
To thine own self be true is a promise that, if you honor your inner-knowing, everything will be okay.
The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.
“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.” Michael’s presence is very strong these days. And he offers his loving support as you transcend the old nonsense and emerge into your Christ Consciousness (i.e. your Higher Self, Anointed Consciousness).
The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.
Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…
{ — Via Archangel Michael — }

In life, there are moments when you know what to do.
It feels and is so obvious to you that the whole of your being seems willing to follow a current that is all but effortlessly carrying you where you want to go.
These moments are not too good to be true.
This acceptance of such a wonderful state requires a great deal of mastery.
For the lower-ego will always resist this state. Your ego is nothing more than an aspect of you that was intended to protect your soul from the harshness of the world. And as you awaken to your TRUE SELF (your CHRISTHOOD SELF), you discover that you are much more capable than the world once led you to believe.
There are those in your life who have done all they can to obstruct your capacity to TRUST IN YOUR TRUE SELF. And those who have done these things are well out of alignment with the flow state I mentioned above.
These beings who are found throughout society are commingled into your life. They appease their own discomfort and inner-resistance by attempting to thwart your own ability to embody your TRUE SELF.
They are nothing more than stones in a river. They are too stubborn to be carried forward so they attempt to slow your progress.
Thus, I again say that enjoying the FLOW STATE requires a great deal of humility. For humility is the hallmark of your TRUE SELF. The KNOWING that you are a part of something that is TRULY GREAT. You are a part of a DIVINE PLAN.
And yet, you feel resistance in your body. Your cells may rebel against this truth. Your nervous system may send signals of panic, worry, or even rage.
An aspect of you rebels against the natural order because you were trained to do so by those who have long since forgotten the majesty of this DIVINE PLAN. It is perfect in all of its ways. And even the evils of this world that seem to make no sense are all intended to give way to the greater current.
For what is evil if not a rock in a river refusing to follow the flow?
The river I speak of is the RIVER OF LIFE. Of LIFE-FORCE. It is a channel guiding you back to who you TRULY ARE and it does so steadily. And at times the flow is so succulent and effortless that you can feel HOME once again.
And other times the flow state is there, but you find yourself obstructed. Muscles tense, harsh thoughts rebel and old emotions resurface.
These are stones of doubt. They attempt to catch you as you move with the river, but if you are practicing your MASTERY, you simply move around them.
Such is the way of the SEVEN SOUL PATHS. These paths, when respected, understood, and embodied, are like a compass always guiding you around obstructions. For some obstructions are unavoidable, but they are never intended to be perpetual.
If you get stuck on a stone of doubt, and your boat seems unable to move forward, you have a variety of choices to make:
Do you give in to anger? Do you blame the CREATOR, others, or yourself? Do you wait for the rescue? Do you sit in the boat hissing at yourself that you, “knew this would happen, things never work out?” Do you cower in terror?
Or do you simply take note of this stone? Acknowledge that you somehow landed upon it. Perhaps it was visible and you were not paying attention (or didn’t want to see it). Or perhaps the stone was hidden under the water and thus unavoidable.
In accepting the stone has delayed your flow, you are no longer fighting with or submitting to it. You instantly reclaim your ability to overcome such a block.
You free yourself of the obstacle by patiently using your skills to overcome this frustration. The rock is not your focus. The return to flow is your focus.
So if I may offer some examples, I would offer the following:
Let us say you intended to write but no words will flow. You can sit there on your rock and attempt to force the words, or you can stand up, go for a walk, and maybe take time to sit somewhere else and read from your favorite book.
You may find that words and creative flow find you when you don’t look for them.
Let us say you want to get in shape and feel good about it until it is time to exercise. You can put it off and feel terrible about delaying something that you know you ‘need to do’ and slip into all the negative thoughts and feelings it brings up. Or you can simply put your shoes on. You can do one exercise.
You may find that with a little momentum the others follow.
Let us say you’re healing the trauma of the past and find that every time you think you’re free of it, some very toxic emotions or thoughts arrive either from within or in response to that which happens around you. You can fight or submit to the trauma, or you can simply speak to yourself kindly.
You may find that talking yourself through it helps you through it in due time.

Simple examples, I know.
And yet, if you pause and consider that sometimes you are in perfect flow but you find that there are rocks around you slightly slowing your flow…
…you are still in flow.
Focus on that.
Despite a bump in a road or a rock in a stream, you are still in a flow state.
And if you are slightly in a flow state, you can patiently enter it more fully.
Patience works with time. And Patience is an ELDER PATH VIRTUE. Patience knows that, if you honor the time and remember that there is a DIVINE PLAN, you suddenly stop trying to do it all today or push it all off until later.
You simply make a choice to act. You do what you know you need to do in the face of any other factors. Sometimes you need to do some things. Sometimes you need to rest. Sometimes you need to rest before you work. Sometimes you need to work before you rest.
You do KNOW what to do.
And so I leave you with this…
Flow state is WHO YOU ARE at the deepest level.
The obstacles to your flow state are nothing more than lessons and experiences you must face and transcend. Some are from your past while others are appearing in the now. But every time you LEARN and TRANSCEND a lesson, you find yourself avoiding that particular obstacle in the future.
If you respect the obstacle to flow and learn how to move past them they no longer obstruct your TRUE FLOW STATE. And over time, your FLOW STATE becomes deeper and stronger and more steady.
If you’re honest with yourself. You are in a flow state right now. Otherwise, you could not read this message. And yet, there may be a rock to overcome. Simply do so.
Free yourself.
You know what to do so act and allow time to respond to your actions.
I realize my metaphors are simple and playful, but that is my intention. To remind you that life as complex as it is, is carried on a simple TRUTH: LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE.
And my playfulness is shared in hopes you will not take any particularly annoying rocks too seriously and choose to free yourself from that which has held you back.
Patiently. One day at a time. Remaining in flow. Even if flow seems slow.
Your flow state is your TRUE SELF and you’re learning to LIVE IN IT.
So smile, soothe the inner-critic, and acknowledge your progress.
I love you greatly beloved child of the most high.
WE are with you.

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }
Remember a very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).
You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.
A powerful and related article is found at 222 Angel Number.
Thank You for reading 🙂